Instagram won’t be the same! Follow one of the best #hashmasters in the game, my mentor, @frenchycannoli. #710 #iwe #solventfree #solventless #solventlesshash #history #errl #oil #pressedhash #hashish #hashishin #hashmaker #hashporn #hashlife #hashlegends...
cannabismovement2015:The Home Grown 420 Marijuana Weed Cannabis Blunt Dank Pot Smoker Funny Men’s T-Shirt
The video is grainy. The lighting is off. But the #bubble is tight. I just hit that aged #hash from last night that literally knocked me on my ass. #2legit2quit To you real youngins (j/k), this is MC Hammer, and #backintheday, he was #kindofabigdeal. #dripslikewater...
Yesterday I unwrapped this 4 month aged piece of #hash. It’s one of my earliest forays into making #hashish, so I have been curious about how it is coming along. I sliced into the chunk and pressed for a fast, #greasy #dab. I was making a video and wanted to be...
Talking a cue from @missradreefer… Hike up your skirt a little more, and show your world to me… She’s a cool, dark green beauty flashing her purple undersides. As I messed up the labeling during transplant (@greenthumbgirls), she’s a...