I went up to the roof on this lovely SundayFunday for a quick #joint and had to marvel at how pretty this #greencrack lady is. #instagood #photoop #420 #cannabis #ganja #ganjafarmer #urbanfarmer #growyourown #smokeyourown #weedwomen #girlswhogrowweed #dank #highlife...

I left most loose, but this is the #45micron #Jagoo #hash that I pressed this morning. 17 grams of fruity and tropical smelling #dank. I’m giving it back to the farmers to thank them for the opportunity to wash it. #hashish #hashmaker #ladieswhohash #iwe...

Starting my Saturday morning off right with fruits, tea, and California’s finest green. #goodstart #smokegood #eatgood #420 #cannabis #ganja #ganjafarmer #weshouldsmoke #nuggy #urbanfarmer #growyourown #smokeyourown #swed #wfayo #high_larry_us #outdoorgrow...

Ending the night on one of my #hash #blunt #joints. A couple of #solventless #MrNice #hashish nuggets pressed into a pliable #bluntwrap. #blacklimereserve from @meangeneaficionado fills this tasty delight. Best believe it #smokeslikeachamp. #420 #cannabis...

Putting in actual work is the perfect antidote for analysis paralysis. Who knows what the future holds. All we have is today. #sievetech #hash #hashish #hashmaker #ladieswhohash #solventless #solventfree #zeroppm #runicewater #bubble #bubblehash #icewaterhash #icehash...