This morning I was #blessed to watch another #sunrise and marvel as the #cannabis plants basked in the loving light. #sunkissedcannabis #outdoorgrow #420 #prop215 #Oakland #JackHerer #urbanfarmer #ganjafarmer #girlswhogrow #girlswhogrowweed #marijuana...

I pressed 15g of #hash today. For even tastier results, they’ll be cured for a while. 🙂 #MrNice disc #bluedream #templeball #Cinister chunk #hashish #pressedhash #hashgameproper #oldschoolhash #wfayo #marijuanamedicine #cannabis #cannabisculture #cannabiscures...

With purplish-black leaves due to the cold snap we had a few weeks back, this #JackHerer x Skunk #1 cross is finally catching up. I can see her fat #resin heads with the naked eye. #trichomes #420 #urbanfarmer #outdoorgrow #cannabis #growyourown #smokeyourown #flowers...

#MrNice pressed, packed and ready for #curing. #darkandlovely #pressedhash #hash #hashish #solventless #solventfree #templeball #templeballs #dank #ganja #cannabis #weedstagram #weedstagram420 #wfayo #swed #girlswhomakehash #cannabiscommunity #girlswhosmokeweed...