I hope everyone has had a really #SmokySaturday. New Year’s Day has passed, but every day above ground is a cause for celebration. #burnonetothat #peaceandblessings #highlife #sunisshining #420 #cannabis #cannabisculture #smokeyourown #girlswhosmokeweed...
I’m so very thankful for my new #smoking and #vaping instruments Custom #dabrig on loan made by @danktankstudios Birthday #rig from @saintnicholas710 by @dgglassworks Cutting edge Christmas #vaporizer by @jomotech #smokinginstyle #420 #glassporn #weshouldsmoke...
I’m starting #2015 off with a bang. Killer #ganja complemented by my own #doubledank #hashish. Be #blessed! #ladyhashmaker #ladygrower #420 #710 #hash #girlswhomakehash #pressedhash #snakeinthegrass #high #hightimes #weshouldsmoke #cannabis #medicalmarijuana...
It’s my #birthday! Enjoying the new custom #dabrig gifted to me by #FrenchyCannoli and blazing some super #fire #Tangie washed by @thegreaserextractions. #lifeisgood #NewYearsBaby #2015 #ganjababe #ganja #cannabis #cannabisculture #420 #icewax #icewaterhash...
Last #templeball creation of #2014. Two hours to my #birthday! #cannabis #dank #doubledank #weedstagram420 #weedofig #weedstagram #weedstayhiigh #toker #girlswhosmokeweed #girlswhomakehash #templeballs #420 #RocktheResin #icewaterhash #pressedhash #oldschoolhash...