14g of #VersaceOG again, which meant a serious manual workout. Half oz at one time is #nojoke. #pressedhash #solventfree #solventless #runicewater #icewaterhash #waterhash #bubblehash #hashish #hashmaker #420 #710 #concentrates #extracts #ganja #cannabis #terpy...
Roll up the #cannabis. Featuring: #Cinister (#SensiStar x #Cinderella99) The #resin in the jar is so sticky, it defies gravity. #420 #710 #ganja #reggae #icewaterhash #bubblehash #solventfree #solventless #hash #hashish #hashmaker #hashishin #hashporn #templeball...
This past weekend, I had my first big drop, courtesy of @cashmereconcentrates. It was at @releaf.vallejo in Vallejo. Nine #strains in total. These are the #160u of all of them. #AlderpointOG #BlueDream #PlatinumGirlScoutCookies #MrNice #VersaceOG #GirlScoutCookies...
It’s a golden peach. Sike! A palm full of sticky #resin. It’s that #AlderpointOG again 🙂 #420 #710 #dank #solventless #solventfree #icewaterhash #Hashish #hash #hashporn #hashishin #girlswhomakehash #smokeyourown #drytrim #Highonmyownsupply #highsociety...
What looks like a giant chunk of #hash and tastes just as good? This gluten-free, vegan #medicated brownie made by @fahdibles is insanely delicious. And I’m not really a #chocolate person. Citrus tarts are my weakness. #edible #edibles #eatyourmedicine #cannabis...
Checking out some #cured #sourdiesel #hashish and enjoying #hashchurch with @bcbubbleman along with other #cannabis luminaries like Todd McCormick and K of #TrichomeTechnologies. #cannabisconsciousness #cannabis #cannabisculture #420 #710 #errl #oil #legalize...