#TBT to 35 weeks ago when I created my first #frenchycannoli and passed the ‘test’ in @frenchycannoli’s eyes. Fast forward to today, I was trying out new methods and getting a refresher course on the finer points of pressing #hashish. His...

Big things come in small packages. 1g #CheeseQuake #hashballs about to shake some things up. #seewhatididthere #frenchytech #press2activate #lostartofthehashishin #runicewater #bubblehash #pressedhash #oldschool #waterhash #hash #hashish #fullmelt #dabbable...

I find that washing new #resin is so exciting. I love the novelty of it. And this #fullspectrum #GobbledyGoo #hashcocktail smells so niiiice, like berries and cream. 😍 #frenchytech #runicewater #bubblehash #solventless #fullmelt #hash #thehashlife #hashish...

I visited my #ganjafarmer friends in #Mendocino and we spent the weekend enjoying gorgeous vistas and the fruits of our mutual labor. #Dab after dab, #JahGoo #hashish did not disappoint. #credittothefarmer #runicewater #bubblehash #solventless #hash...

My lazy, hazy Sunday morning in #Mendocino was been perfectly started taking hits of @emeraldalchemy’s #fullspectrum Purple Princess. Meeting other hashmakers, especially women, is so rewarding. Smoking good #hashish every single day is #THEHASHLIFE....

Back in December at the Emerald Cup, @frenchycannoli told me, “Wait till you meet Ele. She is bomb.” And she really was. Striding confidently around the Aficionado booth, she maintained order like she was born to. I came to realize...

“We create the funk.” - Brandon Indeed they do. I was pleased to bring a smile to @3rd_gen_family’s face when I presented him with my #WeedWorld article on his #Zkittlez #hash. Mad props to @dyingbreedseeds @greenrfieldz_tbg @mrs_zkittlez_...

Getting reading for the @healingharvestfarms farmer’s market, #Mendocino style - pressing #JahGoo #hashish into a mini cannoli, and puffing some #dank by the pool with @cashmereconcentrates. #ilovecali #press2activate #frenchytech #runicewater...

To whom much is given, much is expected. #credittothefarmer - My love and thanks to the farmers who proceed me with awesome material which produced fine, fire #hash. #runicewater #bubblehash #solventless #nonsolvent #hashish #hashishin #waterhash...

For my continued good #health. #organic #heady #JahGoo #freshfruit #runicewater #hash #hashish #fullspectrum #bubblehash #fullmelt #weedstagram #dabs #fueledbyhash #fueledbythc #420 #710 #errl #WeedWorld #weedwomen #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #dank...

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