Two #dabs of 90ū #JahGoo #Hashish drench my brain in waves of euohoria. #California sunshine just makes it that much better. Good morning! And have a lovely day. #iwe #runicewater #waterhash #bubblehash #hash #solventless #solventfree #concentrates #hashlife...

#Wakenbake and #wakenmake 😉 On this glorious Wednesday morning, I am preparing this 190ū #BlackberryKush #Hashish for pressing. Have an amazing day today. #impressyourself #iwe #runicewater #bubblehash #icewaterhash #waterhash #hash #hashishin #hashmaker...

In this case, blondes do indeed have more fun. 90ū #BlackberryKush #icewaterhash @mendodope has my thanks! #iwe #runicewater #ladieswhohash #hashish #hash #hashmaker #hashishin #trichomes #bubblehash #waterhash #sievetech #fullmelt #thatshinetho #420...

After my first round with the #Goo, I was ready to see the difference between the #sugartrim (shown days ago) and a #nugrun (pictured here). Though my first round WAS nice, this 90ū #Hashish glittered and pressed into a silky slice of #fullmelt heaven....

Greasier than a can of #dapperdan, 90ū #Jahgoo #hashish more than satisfies before bed. Night night. #iwe #runicewater #bubblehash #solventless #solventfree #waterhash #hash #hashmaker #hashishin #sievetech #grease #highsociety #weshoulddab #dab #terpenes...

After 8 straight hours of #hashmaking without even a bathroom break, I deserve this #blunt filled with #veganicstrawberry from @budsandroses. And now I’m about to play the new #FinalFantasy. I remember when I was playing #FFVII in college in 98....

This grin is brought to you courtesy of happiness overload. While I undertake this #Jahgoo #nugrun, I wll be enjoying a Jahgoo #joint rounded out with my 160ū Jahgoo #hash. #YumYumYum #iwe #runicewater #sievetech #bubblehash #bubble #hashish #solventless...

Seeing as it is after my heart, it is only fitting that the 45-160ū #BlackberryKush #Hashish is curing right on my skin. What do you do when you wear dresses everyday and you have no pockets? You use what you have😉. 18 hours later…lovely. #hash #iwe...

Presenting the #BlackberryKush #Hashish family. Top left clockwise: 190, 160, 110, 90, 73, 45. #yumyumyum #iwe #icewaterhash #bubblehash #solventless #solventfree #0ppm #noresiduals #runicewater #hash #waterhash #hashporn #hashlife #high_larry_us #wfayo...

6g of 73ū #Cheese meshed really easily. The #hash disc resembles a shiny mini eggplant. #press2activate #pressedhash #iwe #waterhash #hashish #hashishin #hashmaker #ladieswhohash #hashofig #hashporn #hashlife #710 #errl #greasy #hightimes #runicewater...

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