Machine down! Machine down! #wtf did this machine just conk out on me, midrun? I have that other, bigger machine that many #hashmakers use (thanks @calixtractions), but I don’t know how to get those brackets out. Um…no #hash until I can figure...
Sometimes you have to take it back… life is full of #ferengis. Watch out. #Circa2000 #startrek #trekkie #bluntculture #voyager #swed #wannasmoketoday #puffpuffpass #420 #ganja #morningsmoke #afternoontoke #cannabis #cannabisculture #blunt #weedwomen...
This morning’s #wakeandmake is being brought to you by #whoelseisgonnadoit. #sotrired. #Chernobyl is not yet dry and the odor is already explosive. #seewhatididthere? #iwe #runicewater #bubblehash #bubble #ladieswhohash #solventless #solventfree #0ppm...
Late at night, the lonely #stoner #dabs cuz she can’t sleep tonight. On the real though, early evening naps are tempting, but they are nothing but trouble. For my indulgence, I’m now up #dabbing 73 micron #CheeseQuake #hash. #drytrim #thatmelttho #silky...
Enjoying a bowl of #Goo while I watch my machine soak. Running a mixture of #GrapeApe and #T2 aka #MountainMist. Maybe I’ll call it Gorillas of the Mist. A new 45ū bag from @frenchycannoli is going to make this smoother. I love making #hash. #iwe...
I’m working hard bringing that #Frenchytech with feminine flair. I tend to leave half of my resin loose for quick #dabs and press half just like @frenchycannoli taught me. I prefer #pressedhash, but for me, good #cannabis is great; however presented. 😉...
I had the pleasure of washing the #Jahgoo this past month. Now I’m watching how a #hashmaster does it. Whereas I mostly left my #hashish loose, @frenchycannoli will most assuredly press his. #clearheads #justtheheadsmaam #bubble #bubblehash...
hasankaptan:Hash made from Dutch Passion Masterkush
#45micron #Jahgoo looking #greasy and #sittingpretty. I remember why this is so chunky. I was tired and the resin now the sieve were cold enough, so it was a mess. But now it’s #headstash, #meltslikebutter, and more than satisfies 😉. #iwe #runicewater...
A moment of introspection while I enjoy this #Jahgoo #blunt. Right now, it is grey and a little overcast, but as always, the sun is only temporarily blocked by the clouds, and will surely shine before long. #morningsmoke #420 #ganja #litladies #smilenow...