Making Good Hash Rosin = Life



I strive to approach life like making good hash rosin; moving methodically with consistent purpose and always putting my best fot forward.  Details like filling the bag to the edges and the method of folding parchment paper really do matter and make the difference between decent and truly outstanding product.  Truthfully, I used to believe that aggressiveness would serve just fine in every situation.  I am thankful to have learned already that in matters of high craftsmanship,  the delicate touch can often go so much further than the brutal smash.

As rosin is a derivative product, the quality of the cannabis is of utmost importance as its characteristics serve as the limitations to the resulting bubble hash, and further down the line, to the final rosin. It may be true that under usual circumstances, ‘Perfection’ may be the enemy of ‘the good’, but when dealing with products of the utmost standards, whether as medicine or as exclusive luxury goods, nothing short of phenomenal is acceptable.

As I mentioned before, with high end hash, trash is just trash and does not translate to cash.


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