MackTown Diesel
previously published in Weed World, Issue 124
Download PDF: Weed World Issue 124 – MackTown Diesel
Grown by: Graham’s Brand
Processed by: Solventless Mind and She’s Bubbly
We are quick to lavish praise upon the star; the one unafraid to go it alone. However, greater impact is often made when a mastermind of brain power is set upon a concept and pursued tirelessly. Such is the case with MackTown Diesel, a collaboration between a dedicated farmer and a team of unstoppable resin collectors. What has been produced is mind-bending Hashish of the most glorious flavor.
MackTown Diesel was bred by Graham of Graham’s Brand based out of Humboldt, CA. An AK-47 and Sour Diesel cross, this high yielding Sativa produces lanky, but chunky buds with an impressive 28.6% THC content. MackTown Diesel was grown indoor in a no-spray, hydroponic environment. It was dried and cured for two and a half weeks before being carefully handed off to Thomas (IG: @solventlessmind) and Amber (IG:@shesbubbly) of Spirit Extracts. The duo washes their high quality material by hand, assuring higher yield and better quality of the resulting resin. Graham’s top choice flowers along with Spirit Extracts’ unique approach to hashmaking has been a positive collaboration which has accumulated a few plaudits including:
2015 San Jose 420 Hempcon Dab Cup – Best Nonsolvent – La Tabula Rasa Rosin
2016 Trim Scene Competition – People’s Choice – MacTown Diesel
I would expect that such a high degree of skill, care, and talent would have been dicsovered and nutured by a dedicated mentor. However, in the spirit of DIY learning, Thomas learned how to make bubblehash from watching on YouTube the videos of pioneer Marc “Bubbleman” Richardson. An avid Butane Hash Oil maker for 11 years, Thomas made the switch to bubblehash when he came to the realization that he could make cleaner, better medicine that also had powerful and pleasurable effect. Besides making bubblehash, Spirit Extracts produces rosin, isolated terpenes, capsules, and a line of edibles is forthcoming. For months, I have visually appreciated their creations. Honored with the opportunity to finally write about it, I looked forward an amazing adventure.
It is summer in the bay, and quite unusually, the weather is very hot. I get a call from my beautiful model friend Sarah Jain (IG:@sarahjain420) and we arrange to hit the beach. I am very eager as I have only enjoyed the sand a few times since moving from South Beach, Florida two years ago. Besides, from her Instagram page, I can tell that Sarah Jain really knows how to enjoy fun in the sun. Driving to the beach is a white knuckle ride as Highway 1 clings to the edge of the Marin Headlands and precariously dangles off of the west coast of California. I have a vague notion of where I am headed, and without cell service, all I have is hope. I am running late and nervous that I will miss the opportunity to sunbathe and enjoy the Hashish in this most anticipated environment. Somehow, like a lone fishing line in pond, she manages to snag my attention jumping up and down on the side of the road. She and her friend Juliette (IG:@juliettefaer) had gone down without me and now having come back to guide me, were antsy to get back to watching whales.
I hastly gather my things, making sure to pick up my rig, food, towels, and purse. Totally encumbered by the multitude of bags and hindered by my flat soled sandals, I make my gingerly behind the two of them. The small path winds along the cliff, crowded over by prickly and snaggy bushes, wildflowers, and loose gravel. The Pacific Ocean pulls my eyes to stare into the distance, but the danger beneath my feet keeps me concentrated on not dying.
Climbing over sharp rocks and avoinding a treacherous ravine has been almost too much for me to handle and I am grumpy by the time we finish our half mile trek. I am completely sober as the trip here was nervewracking and I really could use some THC. I can hear the water pounding into the sand and though I cannot yet see the water, the sound alone is beginning to lift my spirits. Sarah Jain offers encouragement as she nimbly skirts the boulders standing in our way. Squeezing through a narrow passage, we emerge on a strip of rocky sand about 200 feet long. Bluish-black rocks standing 30 feet tall jut into the ocean in utter definance of the thundering waves.
As the sun blasts down upon us, we consider whether the blistering heat will dampen our good times as we have no protective canopy. In any case, we are here, so we have to make the best of it. And how bad could it be? South Beach, my beach haunt for 13 years is top optional, but this secluded beach is a favorite of nudists.
So when in Rome…
We slide off our suits and bask in the loving glare of the sunlight. Dabs in nature are great, but naked dabs on the beach will be insane.
We set up our blanket on the craggy rocks begin to take out our various concentrates and flowers. Having been honered as a High Times Cannabis Cup Solvent Judge few weeks back, Sarah Jain has lots of delicious OGs that she wants to share. Juliette has some flowers, and I have the MackTown Diesel. We have all brought a variety of fruits to enjoy as well. Taking out her Silika glass dab rig, Sarah Jain wastes no time firing it up. I look around at the few other sun worshippers and they seem not to care that we have lit a butane torch out in the open. Sarah Jain explains to me that she never goes to any beaches in California that are not 420 friendly. That’s my kind of woman. After taking a bite of a juicy strawberry, she scoops a hefty dab of OG cake batter and takes a long pull. Her lips turn up at the corners and as exhales, she proclaims that the OG is so much sweeter with the flavor of strawberries lingering in her mouth. I have not matched foods with concentrates before. I had brought the cherries and blackberries to enjoy while we lounged on the sand, but Sarah Jain assures me my experience will be all the better for it.
I am dying to take a dab and I reach under my towel to retrieve the jars that I have kept hidden from the unrelenting sun. In the split second that I turn away, I hear a roar of exclamation – a whale has been spotted blowing air out of his spout. I quickly turn over, peering at the undulating blue sea. Before long, a large, dark figure emerges from the water and in a grand gesture flops into the water. This is my very first time seeing whales in the wild and I am mesmerized. What follows is 15 straight minutes of oohs and ahs as the newbies like me, and the locals alike delight in the show of playful dolphins and whales unfolding before us.
The whales take a breather (no pun intended) and we refocus on our dabs. I would love to have some of her OGs, but I know the MackTown Diesel Hashish just might be even better. As I wait for my turn to use the torch, the whales begin thir show again. It is like they can feel our admiration and appreciation. A man walks up to us asking for a light and he mentions that someone says we are smoking a bong. He goes on to compliment us in a decidely uncreepy way and exclaims that the we are the beach’s good luck charm because they have never seen the whales behave in such a fashion. I wonder if the whales can feel us coming into communion with everything around us.
I am still holding the jar of Hashish in my hand from 20 minutes before and I worry that excessive warmth may have ruined the look. I glance down and the oily balls of resin wrench my attention from the spectacular scene out in the ocean. Gazing into the small jar, I marvel at how the globes of the trichome heads look absolutely perfect. It is not lost on me that in the presence of whales skyhopping and breaching, I hold in my hand what looks like the most precious caviar.
In the heat, the aroma of the the MackTown Diesel rolls out thickly. A delicate sweetness is followed by fuel and the sharp pang of citrus. My mouth waters recalling the particular bite of the MackTown Diesel Hashish. I have had dabs of this Hashish before and am curious about the flavor combination with a fruit. Sarah Jain suggests eating a blackberry first. I choose a plump, almost overripe berry and chew thoughtfully while Sarah Jain lights the trough. I do not have any parchment paper at my disposal, so I simply dig the dab tool in to scoop. Unlike the individually uncased resin on the top of the jar, the middle has fused together into a thick taffy that struggles to pull apart. At this rate, I will only get two humongous dabs out of the jar. I have the choice to try to chill it, or heat it further. I opt to allow the sun to melt it more and Juliette takes my place sucking in the delectable concentrates that Sarah Jain has to offer. Two or three minute later, the resin is very soft, like well chewed bubble gum. I messily eat another blackberry, allowing the juice to run down my chin. It’s my turn to dab and I am ready. Touching the resin to the trough, it dissolves almost instantly. Amber liquid dances all over the surface in a crazy jig. Contrary to how I experienced the smell, the first flavor is get is sweet oranges followed by fuel. It is like a creamsicle soaked in gasoline. Finaly at the end, I can taste a hint of berry goodness. I exhale and the sensation is all gas and my mouth tastes like the business end of a tailpipe. Interestingly, it isn’t unpleasant at all. The blackberry juice which had coated my mouth provides a vey sweet aftertaste of which I was not expecting. I look up at Sarah Jain and she says, “I told you so.” Although the dab was fairly large and very intense, I am not coughing. I am merely patiently waiting for my turn again. I do have my own rig, but somehow it seems that i will be breaking the circle and the sacred cycle we have created. We watch the whales, take dabs in turn, and allow the peace to overcome us. Soon I am ready and I decide to try a fat, purplish cherry. Playing with the pit in my mouth, I notice the softness of the pulp, the smoothness of the skin, and the soft clack of the pit against my teeth. Taking another dab, my eyes water and warmth begins to radite from my core outwards. The mouthfeel is thick and almost chewable. Blowing out, the bluish smoke dances before me before rolling out to sea. The cherry does add a delightful twist on the Hashish, but I think I prefer the blackberry. The slight tartness is perfect to counteract the powerful diesel flavor. I am not sure I can simply take dabs anymore. It is all about the combination.
My eyes are still wet and everything looks a bit wavy, like the visage of an oasis in the distance. I lay back and allow the dreaminess to overtake me. I feel like I am definitely present, but somehow slightly removed, as if I am watching a movie of people on the beach. I languily follow an Ultimate frisbee game as the geriatric players prance about and dart around like children. I laugh out loud for no reason and Juliette gives me aknowing smile.
Hours pass and our conversation slows and we enjoy each other’s company without saying a word. We feel completely in sync with our environment and even the cacophony of the furious ocean dies down to a purr. Sarah Jain breaks the quiet to comment that she always has a pleasurable time at the beach, but together, we have made it an absolute blast. Plans are made to continue heading to this beach accompanied by more cannabis industry women. As a group, we will have a mindblowing time.
On the way back, as if to put the final punctuation on the idyllic landscape, we spot an adventurous climber steadily making his way up and across the cliff face. He pauses to turn his head to the left, spots us and smiles. Then he turns to the right, drinking in the endless expanse of the Pacific ocean and the golden glow of the afternoon sunshine. We stand still watching him in his reverie and then we nod to eachother. Walking ginglerly up the gravely and sandy terrain we make plans to visit this wonderland again very soon.
Though each element of a wonderful experience has its own merit, their combination can create something truly spectacular. Just as enjoying the beach, the dabs, the exotic marine life, and new friends are much more charming together, so does the joint effort between Graham’s Brand and Spirit Extracts elicit Hashish that is greater than the sum of its parts and we are all the better for it.

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