Lime Green Piña Limonada
You could say I am playing a dangerous game, but I think I’ve good a good handle on it. Truthfully, I AM playing with fire, but it is for good reason. I am allowing males to live in a sequestered part of the garden because I am slowly mining them for their leaves. I have recently learned about the power of raw cannabis. I started with this article on Leafly and kept reading more articles about raw cannabis’ benefits.
Prior to learning about their vast nutritional value, I was simply pulling the immature male flowers off of the plants. Now that flower is in full swing, the number of male flowers has increased greatly. I have an eager ‘Medellín Magic’ who wants to impregnate the world. Seriously. I have to watch day and night just t make sure I have removed all traces of sacs swollen with pollen. And now that I am making smoothies, I cut off 6 inch lengths to get the leaves and to not have to deal with removing so many sacs in small groupings. This way, I capture 5 or 6 flowering sites. Some, like the Rosetta Stone, put out a whole lot of leaves and I am more than happy to snip snip snip.
And one of the best ways to ingest this raw cannabis is with tasty smoothies. Therefore, my latest incarnation is this Lime Green Piña Limonada. I feel like I am on the beach in the Caribbean. Next, I’ll make a concoction with coconut milk. Let’s see how it all turns out!
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